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VU e-Innovations is sponsored by the Vanderbilt University Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization, which markets innovative software, courseware and other specialized products developed at Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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Title Teaser
Latin American Public Opinion Project
The Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) is a leader in the development, implementation, and analysis of data on individual opinions and behavior. As a center for excellence in survey research, LAPOP uses “gold standard” approaches and innovative methods to carry out targeted and national surveys; conduct impact evaluation studies; and produce reports on individual attitudes, evaluations, and experiences across the Americas.
MFA Suite™
Update (06/24/2024): MFA Suite has new updates for: INCA, ETA and PIRAMID.    The MFA Suite™ (Metabolic Flux Analysis Suite) is a software toolkit providing a powerful approach for quantifying the rates, or “fluxes”, of intracellular metabolic pathways.  The information generated from the MFA Suite of tools is useful for identifying pathway bottlenecks, elucidating network regulation, and quantifying the flow or fate of carbon within a biological system. By systematically accounting for all extracellular carbon inputs and outputs and all major intracellular pathways, MFA can be used to reconstruct comprehensive flux maps depicting cell metabolism.
The STAT™ (Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers & Young Children) is an empirically derived, interactive measure that has been developed to screen for autism in children between 24 and 36 months of age. It is designed for use by community service providers who work with young children in assessment or intervention settings and who have experience with autism.
Adherence to Refills and Medicines Scale for Diabetes (ARMS-D)
The ARMS-D is a brief, easily administered, and validated patient survey to assess adherence to diabetes medications. It can detect non-adherence and specific reasons for non-adherence. Given the magnitude of the problem of non-adherence to diabetes medications, this instrument has application in research (observational and clinical trials) and clinical practice.
BCL::Commons™ (also known as the BioChemistry Library Project) is an object oriented C++ programming library. The library is designed to simulate biological molecules – proteins and peptides in particular – as well as small chemicals such as therapeutics. It comprises mathematical methods to evaluate the energy of these molecules in their natural environment.
LeachXS is a data management and visualization tool that provides you with a clear overview of the results of leaching tests and allows you to compare them to relevant policy and regulations. The tool allows users to evaluate and characterize the release of material constituents based on comparisons derived from leaching test results for a wide range of materials and waste types (e.g., secondary or recycled materials, stabilized waste and construction materials).
Lymphedema Symptom Intensity and Distress Survey Battery
Self-report instruments used to determine severity of lymphedema in various parts of the body.  Copyrighted material is available free of charge to those individuals who have a full-time academic appointment at an academic or other non-profit research institution for non-commercial purposes. You may submit a Non-Commercial Use Request Form on the  request for permission page.
Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM)
Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM) software is a quantitative system for objectively labeling and characterizing complex cell populations by quantifying feature enrichment and reporting a text label. MEM label reporting provides a new way to objectively and quantitatively communicate cell type in studies of complex, dynamic tissue microenvironments, such as stem cell niches, immune responses, and human tumors.
Molecular Image Fusion
The Molecular Image Fusion system is a software framework that can predict ion distributions in tissue. It accomplishes this by fusing data from two distinct technologies: imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) and microscopy. IMS-generated molecular maps, rich in chemical information but having coarse spatial resolution, are combined with optical microscopy maps, which have relatively low chemical specificity but high spatial information.
MOOSES™ (Multi-Option Observation System for Experimental Studies) software makes it easy to collect and analyze data from any type of real time event. Data can be collected using a desktop PC, a laptop, a handheld PC, or a windows tablet and later analyzed across several dimensions. Data collected from digital audio and video files using ProcoderDV™ can also be analyzed using MOOSES™.
Parent Stress Intervention Program
The Parent Stress Intervention Program (PSIP) was developed by staff and faculty at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, were used in the multi-year Parent/Child Stress Intervention Project piloted by Elisabeth Dykens, Ph.D., in 2010-2013.
Play Nicely™
The beta version of Play Nicely's multimedia program is now available for public viewing at We invite you to take a look and send us your feedback at Your input is valuable in helping us improve the program.   
ProcoderDV™ (Procoder for Digital Video) was developed at Vanderbilt University's Kennedy Center to facilitate data collection from digital media in a variety of research projects. ProcoderDV™ catalogs and facilitates the retrieval and replay of specific events that are captured in digital video or audio files.
ReconFTI is a software that reconstructs functional tensor images from conventional functional magnetic resonance images. Reconstructed functional tensor images can be used to delineate functional pathways in the human brain. These functional pathways may help neuroscientists understand how different cortical regions of the human brain interact with each other.